My good friend from Finland got married in Italy last weekend. Or actually to be honest, she got married in Finland, but they also had a very nice ceremony in south of Italy since her husband is from there.

So, what would be a better opportunity than that to take a short mini holiday to Italy??

What I wanted was to be able to just chill for a few days in the pool. And that is exactly what we did for 7 days haha.

We did not visit much, although I usually like to discover the places I visit. But this time I was in need of a more relaxing holiday.

The wedding was in Molfetta, a small town near Bari in south of Italy. We stayed the first 3 days in a very small hotel with just 3 rooms nearby Bari. Where after we drove to Molfetta for the other 4 days, where we stayed in a cute country house, all by ourselves.

There were basically no taxis at all anywhere. And the taxi drivers that we managed to find the first day, drove insanely bad. I mean something out of this world how bad they where driving. So, I said no way I will step into a taxi here again. That´s why we also had a rented car during the 7 days we stayed.

These images are from the first hotel that we stayed in.

During the days we just chilled in the pool, but in the evening we also visited Bari, which was the city nearby.

For the other 4 days we headed to Molfetta, where the wedding was. We stayed in a very cute countryhouse, Airbnb style. There was other apartments also, but there was nobody, so all the house, jacuzzi and pool just for us!

Since there was also a lot of my friends from Finland in Molfetta we usually went out for lunch or dinner with them. So you could say that we at least visited a bit of the surroundings. These pictures are from a small town near Molfetta called Trani.

I feel a bit embarrased, since i did not take almost any photos in the wedding…. I love to upload instagram stories so i just totally forgot to take pictures. But anyways here are at least some of the pictures i managed to take. The last photos are obviously the best. Also Jammus favourite. We have this funny tradition in Finland that the bestmans, or friends of the husband have to kidnap the wife. And for the husband to get back the wife, he has to pay a big amount of money, or come up with a romantic poem. While kidnapping, the guys have to have thights on the face so that the invited people cannot recognize them. I mean just look at Jammus face (the one to the left) hahahah.

This saturday we also attended a wedding, in Andorra. I will try to make a blogpost about that one also, since it was as well a truly beautiful wedding. My mom is coming here for holidays tomorrow for 2 weeks so let´s see if i manage to upload it during this week.

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Milla Sukhimatoilta says:

    Love the location!
    The turquoise makes everything seem so magical <3 And what a beautiful wedding crew.

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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.