I turned 29 years last Saturday, and it was one of the best birthdays I´ve ever had.

We spend my birthday and the weekend in a lovely winery called: CAN Marlès. It´s a small ecological winery in the middle of nowhere, about one hour driving from Barcelona, and from our home in Andorra it took us around 2 hours to arrive. They offer the option to stay in their guest house if you want to stay over the night, where we spend the whole weekend (Friday-Sunday). We went there with our friends that we´re heading to Route66 with in July, so we did a bit of planning for the route also during the weekend.

Since I love wines, I enjoyed a lot this weekend in the winery, but that´s not all. They also had a sauna… yes, an authentic Finnish SAUNA! This came as a total surprise as none of us knew about that, so you can imagine me as a Finnish wine lover, enjoying my time in the middle of nowhere in a sauna, that is next to a winery.

To make the weekend even better (and even weirder), they had Alpacas in the winery… hahah it sounds very weird all this combination: winery, sauna and alpacas in the middle of nowhere. But yea that was basically what my birthday weekend was all about.

The Alpacas in CAN Marlès are free to run around in the winery basically wherever they want, so it was very nice to spend some time with these super funny animals in the winery. It´s the animals that spit on you if you mess with them, but since the owner of the winery was with us all the time, they didn´t mind that we came close to them. They also had 3 small baby Alpacas, super cute. They looked a bit like a sheep, but with a longer neck as you can see on the photo where I hold one of them called: Pulguita.

Mamba also enjoyed her time a lot, since she´s a very bossy dog she tried to control the Alpacas although they´re like 100 times bigger than her. She even stole a bit of their food as you can see on one of the pictures, imagine.

This probably sounds like a sponsored article hahaha, but trust me, it´s not! I just really fell in love with this place and the wines, and the owner: Lucia was so lovely. I hope we will have time to go there again soon.

Now it´s time to get back to work, since my lovely friend from Finland and her sister is arriving to Barcelona this week. We will go to Sitges on Wednesday and spend almost all week there. It´s a nice beach town south of Barcelona so I prefer to not be working while being there hehehe.


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.