I´m currently sitting in the office, barely able to move after last weekend. And when I say barely able to move, I really mean it.

It was Jammus birthday on Sunday so his friends from Barcelona came to visit us to Andorra during the weekend. We were in total 10 people sleeping in our apartment, but it wasn´t too bad actually.

On Saturday, we went up to the mountains for a birthday BBQ. It was in a very, very beautiful place that is owned by a family of our friends. It was in the middle of nowhere and we were surrounded by nothing else than nature and few cows.

The reason why I´m not able to move is not because of the barbeque, it´s because of the race called Excalibur race that we all then had decided to join with our hangover from the barbeque on Sunday morning at 10. Great idea btw, really recommended. Read: NOT.

Excalibur race is an obstacle race, with several different races and possibilities to run. We had signed up for the “PARTY” race, that wasn´t supposed to be so serious. I mean, it doesn´t sound that difficult: 5 km and 15 obstacles. But keep in mind here, we had been drinking on Saturday, I haven’t been training for a while AND the 5 km was up and down in one of the highest mountains in Andorra. So, yea, I was pretty dead after the race.

Basically, all my body is full of bruises from the race, in addition to that my muscles are basically all on holidays right now. Even drinking a glass of water is difficult.

The best bruise is the one I managed to get on the leg, that covers pretty much 1/3 of my left leg. The picture doesn´t really give praise to how beautiful the bruise actually is, but I´m sure you guys can imagine.

This week we´re busy with work but in the weekend, we´re heading to Barcelona for Jammus surprise birthday present, I´ll upload a blogpost about it next week if you´re curious what it is.

Hope you all have a great week!

Btw, the Excalibur pictures are not mine, they´re borrowed from the Facebook page of Excalibur.


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.