I´ve been sun tanning on our balcony with a glass of cava basically all day today, if you wonder where my tan came from heh heh.

I think that the best season of the year is now, spring, but just before it turns into summer. I mean, it was probably 30 degrees on our balcony today in the sun, so I decided to enjoy the sun accompanied with a bit of cava before going to the hairdresser.

What I actually wanted, or what I was hoping for, was a bit blonder, but it is what it is and the hairdresser already said that it´s very damaged after all the color removing that I did before. I like it though, it´s not that extreme change as I hoped for, but at least it´s a bit different than my normal black / dark hair.

Hope ya´ll have a nice Saturday, we´re heading to a tapas dinner with friends now!


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.