I´m currently sitting in our office in Andorra, working, but I needed a small break, so I thought I should write about our last trip to Finland.

The initial reason why I, or we, decided to go for the THIRD time to Finland this year, was that one of my very close friends got married. It was a small and beautiful wedding, where Jammu got to enjoy some quality finnish rap music, that he actually started to like in the end!

The wedding was just one week before midsummer. That´s why we took few extra days to be able to enjoy some days in our summer cottage, situated in the beautiful archipelago of Vaasa (a small city on the west coast of Finland). You have to access the island, where our cottage is, with a boat, and it´s such a peaceful place.

The cottage nowadays is something I really appreciate and love, although I pretty much hated it in my teen years. I mean, who on earth wanted to be on an island without running water when you could spend your summer nights in the city with friends? Now I pretty much think the opposite.

I really enjoyed all the days we spend there, although exactly during the midsummer, we faced the worst storm ever seen in that archipelago. The electricity went out due to so many fallen trees, and it took forever for them to fix it, we were literally without electricity for 15 loooooong hours…. On midsummer….

But after a storm comes a calm they say, and yes, we had some pretty nice “summer” days in the cottage after that. Jammu might have a different opinion though, since he´s from Spain, and they have “slightly” different expectations for summer.

During the 2 weeks in Finland we went to the sauna endless amount of times, enjoyed the FINNISH summer, went fishing & ate super fresh fish, watched beautiful sunsets, attended a beautiful wedding, worked, and spend some quality time with friends & family.

Most of the pictures are from the cottage, the pictures do not, obviously, show how beautiful the place actually is, but you can always add a bit of imagination!

Hope you like the pictures! Next up is Menorca, where we are heading with our 2 very good friends next week, and I´m soooo excited to be able to just chill on the beach for 10 days! Woop!




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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.