I´ve been a bit offline from the blog lately, there is no real reason why, I guess I just haven´t had the inspiration to write about anything. I haven´t neither done much exciting things, other than studying French, working, hanging out with friends and enjoying the extremely good weather we have in Andorra now. I mean, I basically suntan on the balcony in bikini every day for the last 2 weeks….

I did though, have a small accident in the slopes few weeks back, where one of my skis sliced my right knee open, nothing serious though, but I had to cancel a trip to London that we had planned right after the accident happened…. I was really looking forward to the trip, since we were going to attend a conference as well, to meet up with all our friends from the business…. So, I wasn´t really happy that week, with my destroyed knee and fever, while I could have been in London having fun with friends. Here you have some pretty pictures of my destroyed knee, i get very easily bruises, so when this happened, as you can see, my whole leg changed colour haha, it was blue / black / yellow: ish for almost 2 weeks. The pictures are not very good, not maybe neither a very good idea to post, but whatever, i felt like putting them so here you have them.

BUT I´m all good now and looking very much forward to all the upcoming trips that we have planned! Starting with the trip to Colombia, where we will actually spend 1 whole month during April. Our friends are having a wedding there, so we decided to make the most of the whole trip with some other friends by booking 6 internal flights, hiking trips, boat parties and a lot more. Before heading there, I will bring our lovely dog Mamba to Finland, so that she can entertain my mom for 1 month. I will obviously also have to pick her up after the trip, so within the next 2 months, I have pretty many planes I need to catch.

We also planned a quite different trip in June with 2 of our friends – cruising for 1 week with an awesome boat through a part of Canal Du Midi in South of France. I can really picture myself cruising around in a boat, sun tanning and drinking champagne for one week (I won’t be driving so no need to worry).

Anyways, I just wanted to catch up a bit since there quite a few months since last post…. Oops.

Hope you all have an awesome week!



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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.