Hiking in Andorra


After a weekend on the beach, we decided the next weekend (last one) to stay in Andorra and enjoy the nice spring weather in the mountains.  We had one friend coming over for a weekend visit and another friend from Andorra that joined us on our Saturday hiking trip. The plan was to walk up to three beautiful lakes in the north of Andorra, which is a 3-4 hour hiking trip one way, but there was some slight changes in the plans after we had a chat with a local in the village: Llorts nearby. He told us basically that no way that you guys will arrive there today. Apparently, the hiking route is still full of snow and we didn´t have enough clothes on us, as you can probably see on the pictures. Anyway, we will do this route another day in the summer.

So, we ended up totally freestyling the day. It was a super fun day and the weather was awesome so although the original plan didn´t work out, there´s hundreds of other hiking routes in Andorra to choose from. We took the nearest one that took us around 1 hour to walk up the mountain, but we walked from 1400m up to 1800 m so it was a pretty steep and strong route, for beginners like us. On the top we enjoyed some good wine, tasty Salmiakki-shots from Finland and sandwiches.

After the hike, we took the car and drove to one of the viewpoints in Andorra that we haven´t visited yet. It´s near a town called Canillo and you can drive all the way up, the views from there where spectacular. So, if you´re visiting Andorra, make sure you also visit the viewpoint: Roc Del Quer.

I cannot agree more on the saying: “Life is better in the mountains”, since, I mean, check the pictures and tell me that you don´t feel like visiting Andorra, right now, hahaha.


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.